Thursday, August 12, 2010

Remember When . . .

Getting All that You Feel FAMOUS,
Lol Talkin Bout (MyspaceUserName)5Ok , 3Ok So On
w4w ; pc4pc ;
' Return The Love '
' Dont Be A Stranger '
' Just Showing Some Love '
' Comment The Pics ! '
' Dont Come To Hate Or Click The X ! '
If You Werent in A Top 8 You Werent Cool !

Never Thought Myspace Would Fade Out But IT Did , I Wonder What`s Next After Twitter !

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

You Know How Everyone Has THAT Song ? Love It --> Fabolous

Fabolous Ft. Tamia - Im So Into You

LOVVVEE This Song!

I Could Have It On Repeat Forever !

This Just Boggles My Mind . . .

Girls REALLY ? What In The World Would Make You Think ! That Getting Pregnant By A Guy You Want Will Make Him Stay . . .

I Dont Even Know Why That Would Cross Your Mind,  I Would Never Think That
& ITs Crazy Cus What It Actually Does Is Drive Em AWAY Not CLOSER To You .

Thats Why God Gave Us Brains,
I Always Say Dont Force What Wasnt Meant To Be !!!

Isn`t It Funny . . .

How When You Want Something To Work REALLY Bad It Doesn`t ?

I Find It Even Funnier That Sometimes You Have To Treat People Like Trash For Them To See You Care & It Shouldn`t Be Like That .

Then When You Wanna Up & Leave .
The Person Wants To Go Ahead And Start Caring After You`re Done With Them
They Start Becoming Annoying And Whatnot
Trying To Get You Back
And Its OVER .

There`s Just People That Need To Realize Whats In Front Of Them, Cus Too Many Take IT For Granted.

Roll With The Flow ;)
&Everything`ll Work Out

Monday, August 9, 2010

I Got A Nice Little Message For My Haters; Stalkers; Wanna-Be`s Etc . . .

You Can All Kiss My ASS!

For All You::
Talkin` Shit
Tryna Bring Me Down
Low Self-Esteem
Corny Ass
Have No Future
Get A Move On !

Thanks :)

OhMiBod SMH For The Freaky Girls

Im Pretty Sure This Is Self Explanatory
It`s Crazy To Me Tho, I Would Never Mess With Such Thing
Im Sure You Wild Girls Would LOVE IT Though . . .
Just Thought I`d Share Since It Left Me Speechless. . . LOL

Love Dont Cost A Thing $$$

This Movie Is O7 Years Old, But I Still Love It

Christina Milian Is Beautiful , She`s An OKAY Actor Though
Nick Cannon . . .  Could Do Better Lol

This Movie Makes Me Want My Boyfriend Of The Time To Be Around Me All The Time
I Love The Part When He Grabs Her While She`s Talking & Just Kisses Her.
Moments Like That Make me A Little Down When I Dnt Have My Boyfriend Around.

B ut Besides All That . . .
This Movie Is Good To Chill&Cuddle With Your Loved One
& Enjoy The Moment To Be Remembered Forever

Bloggers Are Dangerous ?

Lol People Have Nothing Better To Do But Make Up Such Things As That ! ^^^^^^^

So Today My Horoscope Says . . .

Your optimistic nature is fully energized right now -- and might be far more accurate than critics can acknowledge! It's a good time to take risks and push yourself toward bigger and better things.

I Love It ! Definitely Pushes Me To Do BETTER

Make Sure The Kiddies Are Sleeping Before .....

Cmon What Is The World Coming To . . .

This IS CRAZY. #Smh

Haters !

It Cant Be Said ANY Better !

Fuck Haters;
Even Though They Make You Who You Are Because of Their Small Talk
Haters Are A Whole Bunch Of Low-Lifes Who Have NOTHING Better To Do Than HATE
They Want What They Cant Have, What You Got, What You Can Get !
Anywhere You Go Haters Will Always Follow You
They Put A Fake Face On & Act Like Everythings All Good
Til You Find Out They`re D.oin You Dirty
TOO Many People Say I Dont Care What Haters Say
But i Mean One Way Or Another They Words They Can WILL GET to You
You May BRUSH IT OFF  AfterWards; But In The Moment You Wont Be Too Happy

Haters; Keep Hating
You WON`T  Be Going Far In Life :)



Some People Love Sleep ; Some People Dont
Alot Believe In Sleep When They Can, Cus They`re Too Busy Keeping Life Moving

People`s Definition Of NAPS Makes Me Laugh
A Nap Is Not Supposed To Be More Thna 30 - 45 Minutes Long
If You Surpass That Time, You`ll Wake Up More Tired Than When You Went To Sleep
Happens To ALOT Of People!

Sometimes Before I Go To Sleep
I Start Thinking . . .
Hm. How Long Will It Take Me To Fall Asleep ?
How Do I Know I`ll Be Waking Up ?
How Does My Brain Know When To Shut Down ?
Like All These Things Are Crazy To Me How The Human Body Can Accomplish Them
Us As Human`s Are COMPLEX.

Im Sure Someone Out There Has Thought These Thoughts Before ;)

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Babies, Babies, & More Babies !

 Condoms, Condoms, Condoms

PLEASE! Wrap Your Willy Guys.

Everyone Wants To Be Having Sex But No One Wants To Be Safe ;
Im Not Sayin To Offend Cus I Have My Daughter
But Its Just Sad To See When Guys Get Girls Pregnant & Then Dont Wanna Stick Around
Dont Want A Baby = Wear A Condom
Girls = Get on Birth Control  !

Havin A Baby Is The Biggest Responsibility Ever
You Have To Forget About Yourself & Make It All For Your Child
Take Your Time & When The Time`s Right You`ll Know :)


The Three Words That Could Make You Or Break You
Telling Someone "I Love You" Could Be A HUGE Step.
Some Take It Seriously & Some Dont.
There`s A Fair Amount Of Guys Who Just Say It To Get In The Girls Jeans
There`s Girls That Say It Just To Get IT Back & FEEL Loved
Those Words Should Be Used Carefully Cus You Never Know What IT Could Lead To
Love Changes EVERYTHING!
Everyone Wonders What Is Love ?
Personally Since There Is No TRUE SET Definition For IT , I Think Everyone Has Their Own Definition Of Love, But All Very Similar.

Those Who Say ' I Love You' After A Week Of Dating Dont Know What They`re Talking About Especially If You`re In Your Early Teens, Cmon Now Focus On School Please.

The Older You Get The Wiser You`ll Get & Start To Understand Things Better, Especially LOVE !


Jermaine Cole

Is Someone Everyone Should Know !
I Love The Way He Rhymes & Spits. '
Check Out The Video Below ;)

& Check Out His MixTapes ; 
  The Blow Up . American Dreamin'  & The Warm Up

His Album Should Be Droppin` Around October ! So Keep A Look Out !!

J. Cole - Simba ♥

The Notebook
The Simplest Of All Things . . .
I Love A Notebook
Its The Best Way To Express Your Feelings Is To WRITE!
Sometimes You Feel Like Even Though You Have Loved Ones Around, You`re Still Alone.
So What Other Way That To Grab A Pen & Paper & Write.
Who Knows Maybe Some Genius Thoughts Could Come To Mind
This is How Great Poets, Artists, Singers, Etc. Become To Be !

Well . . . My First Blog I Decided To Write About *Live,Laugh,Love* Cus Today Just Wasnt My Day.
There`s A Fair Amount Of Time Good Gives US On This Earth, BUT Its Way Too Short To Spend It Angry All The Time; LAUGH All You Can; LOVE All You Can; LIVE All You Can!
Get To SEE The World & What It Is.
Step OUT Of Your Comfort Zone!
You Wont Regret It In The Future ;)