Monday, August 9, 2010



Some People Love Sleep ; Some People Dont
Alot Believe In Sleep When They Can, Cus They`re Too Busy Keeping Life Moving

People`s Definition Of NAPS Makes Me Laugh
A Nap Is Not Supposed To Be More Thna 30 - 45 Minutes Long
If You Surpass That Time, You`ll Wake Up More Tired Than When You Went To Sleep
Happens To ALOT Of People!

Sometimes Before I Go To Sleep
I Start Thinking . . .
Hm. How Long Will It Take Me To Fall Asleep ?
How Do I Know I`ll Be Waking Up ?
How Does My Brain Know When To Shut Down ?
Like All These Things Are Crazy To Me How The Human Body Can Accomplish Them
Us As Human`s Are COMPLEX.

Im Sure Someone Out There Has Thought These Thoughts Before ;)

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