Monday, August 9, 2010

Haters !

It Cant Be Said ANY Better !

Fuck Haters;
Even Though They Make You Who You Are Because of Their Small Talk
Haters Are A Whole Bunch Of Low-Lifes Who Have NOTHING Better To Do Than HATE
They Want What They Cant Have, What You Got, What You Can Get !
Anywhere You Go Haters Will Always Follow You
They Put A Fake Face On & Act Like Everythings All Good
Til You Find Out They`re D.oin You Dirty
TOO Many People Say I Dont Care What Haters Say
But i Mean One Way Or Another They Words They Can WILL GET to You
You May BRUSH IT OFF  AfterWards; But In The Moment You Wont Be Too Happy

Haters; Keep Hating
You WON`T  Be Going Far In Life :)

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