Sunday, August 8, 2010


The Three Words That Could Make You Or Break You
Telling Someone "I Love You" Could Be A HUGE Step.
Some Take It Seriously & Some Dont.
There`s A Fair Amount Of Guys Who Just Say It To Get In The Girls Jeans
There`s Girls That Say It Just To Get IT Back & FEEL Loved
Those Words Should Be Used Carefully Cus You Never Know What IT Could Lead To
Love Changes EVERYTHING!
Everyone Wonders What Is Love ?
Personally Since There Is No TRUE SET Definition For IT , I Think Everyone Has Their Own Definition Of Love, But All Very Similar.

Those Who Say ' I Love You' After A Week Of Dating Dont Know What They`re Talking About Especially If You`re In Your Early Teens, Cmon Now Focus On School Please.

The Older You Get The Wiser You`ll Get & Start To Understand Things Better, Especially LOVE !

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